UPDATE Sunday December 8th, 00:45AM (CET): The update has been completed and you are now able to log in to e-conomic again.
Seeing as we are an online company with an online service, we can never do enough to ensure that our product runs as smooth as possible. Therefore, we are now enabling “AlwaysON” for our database production environment.
With this features enabled we will have many more options to scale our solution without any down-time. Whilst we are enabling AlwaysON, we will also do some maintenance that is a bit overdue; like cleaning our databases for various outdated columns and updating all indexes and stats.
Therefore, we have a scheduled service window on:
Saturday December 7th, 09:00PM (CET) – Sunday December 8th, 06:00AM (CET)
During this period, the application as well as the API will be unavailable.
The service window is quite long, and perhaps we don’t even need to use all of that time, but I would rather use less time than estimated than the other way around. We will keep you updated here on the blog as well as on our login pages across all websites during the maintenance period.
I promise to do what I can to keep the maintenance period as short as possible. We guarantee there will be no data loss during this period – and hopefully, you can survive not being able to work on a Saturday night.