/products is now stable
Our /products endpoint has moved from experimental to stable. This means that /products is now ready for production purposes. We might add more properties to this endpoint along the way, but the basic signature will not change.
Currency specific prices added
A new pricing property has been added under /products/:productNumber with the following operations available:
- Get currency specific prices for a product (documentation)
- Please be advised that the products base price is not included in this collection.
- Get the price for a specific currency for a product (documentation)
- Create a new currency specific product price (documentation)
- Update an existing currency specific product price (documentation)
- Delete an existing currency specific product price (documentation)
Fully documented
You can find the full documentation for the /products endpoint here.
Full annotated error validation
When creating or updating a product or a product price, the REST API will perform a validation of the supplied data before the create/update operation is executed. If any errors are found in the supplied data the operation will not be accepted and you will get a 400 Bad Request response back that includes a list of all the errors found.
The format of this error response is described in our annotated error documentation.