As part of e-conomic no longer supporting Swedish subscriptions we will be phasing out select endpoints in the REST API that are solely relevant to the Swedish ledger system known as International Ledger.

This includes:

  • /number-series
  • /entry-subtypes
  • /vouchers
  • /accounting-years/:accountingYear/vouchers
  • /accounts/:accountNumber/accounting-years/:accountingYear/vouchers
  • /accounts/:accountNumber/accounting-years/:accountingYear/periods/accountingYearPeriod/vouchers

In the future this will enable us to use /vouchers to provide greater and faster insights into accounting data and relations.

We expect full deprecation during the fall of 2018.

To reiterate: These changes ONLY affect endpoints and functionality related to Swedish e-conomic agreements. No other functionality was harmed in the making of this notice 😉

Should you have any questions you’re of course always welcome to contact us on