The Grant Access Page is used by token based integration apps to delegate access to customer data for an app. This page has long been in need of some attention. Now we have given it a little bit.

Most importantly we have made it simpler and easier to understand for end users. While the old page referenced the roles used by app developers to define app access, we have changed this to list the features the app needs access to. End users will rarely know what the Sales role covers, but when we tell them that the app needs access to invoices, orders, quotations, customers, products, employees, inventory and subscriptions, they can relate this to features they know.

The layout has been updated and aligned with the rest of e-conomic. Apart from a more pleasing layout, this new layout is also mobile friendly.

Error messages have been given an overhaul. The error messages should be easier to understand and the flow when recovering from errors easier to follow.

The last improvement is one that has been requested by several integration partners. The Grant Access Page now supports localization. We offer translations of the page in English, Danish, Swedish and Norwegian.

Add the locale query string parameter to the URL, and set the following values to change the language:

en-GB for English (Default)
da-DK for Danish
sv-SE for Swedish
nb-NO for Norwegian

Example: /requestaccess.aspx?appid=[AppPublicToken]&locale=da-DK