AlleAPIDeveloperMiscellaneousNew products, features or functionsOpenAPIPerformance & availabilitySecuritySpeed OptimizationUncategorizedUsabilityWebsites Choose category AllAPI (58)Developer (38)Miscellaneous (57)New products, features or functions (31)OpenAPI (6)Performance & availability (65)Security (7)Speed Optimization (4)Uncategorized (2)Usability (4)Websites (4) Performance & availability, Securitye-conomic has no security issues in regards to the Heartblee... Performance & availabilityUpdate: New Load Balancer and new public IP on April 26 Performance & availability, SecurityDatabase update: Saturday, December 8 2014 API, DeveloperReflections on the HTTP PATCH method Developer, New products, features or functionse-conomic Hackathon 2013: Competing, collaborating and being... Performance & availabilityCompleted: Database update Saturday, September 7 MiscellaneousCompleted: Short maintenance period 29 June 2013 Performance & availabilityCompleted: Maintenance work on June 8-9th API, Performance & availabilityTwitter account for our API status feed Performance & availabilityThe future of Operations in e-conomic Next_post 1 2 3 … 7 8 9 10 11 … 16 17 18 Previous_post